fredag den 4. januar 2013

Tidlig sprogundervisning: hvordan og hvorfor?

I 2004 tog EU kommissionen initiativ til at samle forskningsresultater omkring tidlig sprogundervisning i rapporten The main pedagogical principles underlying the teaching of languages to very young learners (Edelenbos et al, publiceret 2006). Se rapporten her. Rapporten nævner bl.a. mulighederne i at inddrage it i den tidlige sprogundervisning og læring – selv om det understreges at der p.t. mangler forskning på dette område. Se også EU's anbefalinger ift tidlig sprogundervisning her

Eksempler på Best Practice ifølge EUs anbefalinger:
Creating meaningful contexts. Storytelling provides children with a perfect framework for listening, speaking and spoken interaction.
Language learning by imitation is very efficient at this age, for example repeating what a character in a story says, memorising a song, chant or poem

Establishing routines is important because this helps to structure what happens in the classroom.

Maximum exposure to the target language not only from the teacher, but through a varied range of sources such as songs, DVDs, cue cards and any other resources available.

Parental involvement: A clear definition of the objectives of the teaching and learning of a foreign language in primary education is essential for a shared understanding between the schools and the parents.

Continuity and progression within primary and between primary and secondary is important for successful language learning and learner motivation.

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